I'm heartened.
Personally I love production weekends. These weekends are such a high of creativity, energy and chaos. I feel like I disappear for two or three days. I don't think about anything but the paper.
All that being said, Oh my god I'm glad it's over. This one was stressful, I'm not going to lie. My first time ever as the Managing Editor. It was all of the editors (mostly) first time designing or doing anything like that. So, there was a lot of stress and last minute decisions/designs.
Anyways here are some selected PDFs of the paper. Selected meaning the pages I designed.

Front page, A1...

...second opinion page...

... back page of A section...

...and the back page of the B section. This is possibly the only whitewater rafting page ever created with no (that's right) no actual rafting photos. But it looks OK, other than that huge problem.
oh my god, you are SO good at design. i designed our front page and various others, but they are nowhere near that good. i'm really impressed!
also, you're so lucky to have a production weekend. as opposed to a production night, yikes.
anyway, yeah. we'll have to collaborate a bit. : )
Eli, you are incredible.
Good work on this and I can't wait to see more. I am going to go read your editorial now.
Also, I miss you.
I love when someone who has a good grasp of photography and composition designs a newspaper! A true artist!! This is great design Eli....it drew my own photographic eye right in!! Love it!!
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