For those of you who don't bike, clip in bike pedals are just pedals that you clip your bike shoes into. They have clips that connect with your shoe, thus the name 'Clip in bike pedal' (Wow). So, what is the big advantage? Well it's in the pull. You see when you bike with clips you can both push and pull. Pushing and pulling makes you go faster, which is the only important thing when you bike (just kidding).
So, how did I happen to get myself a pair of 'clips'? You see a few weeks ago I thought to myself, 'Wow, I need some clips.' So I went price shopping. Boy did that change my mind. They are way too expensive. So, I decided I didn't need them. I make an awful lot decisions this way.
Anyways a few days ago I was poking around in my bike stuff. The brakes on my bike have been a little shaky, which is kind of scary. I'll find myself going down a hill, just hoping to god my brakes come through and slow me down before I fly into a busy road or something similar.
Anyways, I was looking into this, trying to fix it, when I came across them. Yes, clips. I couldn't believe it. So, I ran inside to our shoe rack. And sure enough, there they were, bike shoes. All this time! The deal was a good friend of mine, John Sahlin, gave me these shoes and clips almost a year ago. I don't know why I didn't put them on my bike immediately, but I didn't.
So, now I have bike clips. Now I've joined the 21st century biking culture. Well, not exactly. These clips are probably 15 years old, but hey, who cares, they're new to me. That is the great thing about coming late to a fad or technology, the old, outdated stuff seems brand new to you. Plus it's cheap (or free, in my case).
Anyways, I inaugurated them with a nice 30 mile ride. I'll tell you what, it makes a huge difference, gone are the days of just pushing, welcome pull!

Look! Clip in pedals...
... and the bike itself...
... and finally, the inaugural ride.
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