Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Sentinel (Issue 7) among other things

Hey, so here is the newest issue of The Sentinel. Kind of a weird issue, nothing seemed to click or really flow together, however when it was all said and done it looked pretty good. A short issue, so pretty grey on the inside.
So far this semester is so much smoother. I'm getting better at my job and the editors are improving weekly. One thing taht has really helped is the addition of John Monnier. He is the new photo editor and he is rocking it. He is really good at coming with with ideas for photo stories and just a fun guy to work with.

On a unrelated note, I learned a new word today. It's 'panache' and it means "flamboyant confidence of style or manner." What a neat word! I'm not sure how to pronounce it, but whatever I'm definitely gonna drop that baby in casual conversation.

Leo, my brother just said he had read the word in Calvin and Hobbes. Nothing like high quality comic strips.

Wow... it actually makes sense now (obviously this isn't my original work)...


Cameron said...

Whoever Erin Hoch is, she's going to have a hard time living down that last part of her quote in the Safe Sex section. I busted out laughing when I read that part. Too funny :P

Cameron said...

...by the way, where are the second and third pages?

Elijah said...

hey cam, yeah I only publish pages I design... i'm selfish..
yeah what a great quote... lolz