Saturday, December 26, 2009

Coming Out of the Closet

Well, it’s time. I’ve been in the closet too long. I just got to get this out there… public opinion be damned.

It’s hard though, you know. I’ve lived this double life for so long. I just don’t know what it will be like to be out in the open. It’s a scary step, however, a necessary one. There is no doubt about it. I can’t keep lying to myself and to those I love.

OK, here it goes…

I do Yoga.

Yup, I know. How could this happen. I played lots of different sports in highschool. I lifted weights. I’m a normal, heteroathletic guy. Or, at least I appeared to be.

I’ve known since I was 12. It was awkward when I first discovered how I was. I felt like I was wrong somehow. I mean “Yoga”? Who the hell does Yoga? Especially in North Idaho.

At that early age I was unaware of the implications of freely admitting my ‘alternate lifestyle’. Once, when talking to a young classmate, I told him I do Yoga. He said “Oh, my mom says talking to dead people is bad.” This made me nervous. I didn’t think I was talking to dead people… but who knows… maybe I was.

I don’t mean to complain. My family is very supportive. I knew, from the beginning that I could tell them. That they would love me unconditionally. That they would support me no matter how I chose to move my body.

But, their acceptance didn’t help me in the wider world of Northern Idaho. Friends would say, “Hey, lets go shoot hoops” and I would be forced to accept, when in fact all I wanted to do was touch my toes.

I don’t just do Yoga recreationally. No, it’s moved beyond that. It’s turned into something very serious. It’s turned into a pursuit that takes up a considerable amount of my time and energy.

So, next time you ask me, “Hey, lets drink so much vodka that we throw up all over each other,” remember this post. When I say, “Nah, I just washed my pants…” understand that what I’m really saying is “Nah, I would rather go twist my body into awkward positions and drink rice milk.”

Ah, I feel better already.

Monday, December 14, 2009


So, it's snowed finally. Although I'm not crazy about this particular incarnation of precipitation it sure is pretty...

... photo from the front porch of my house...

... a guy running on the beach...

... Lake Coeur d'Alene.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pumpin Iron... Again

A long long time ago, in a very far off land, I wrote a blog about lifting weights with very nice, yet condescending Indian men (click here).

Things have changed. I'm no longer in the same life circumstance, but I find myself frequenting gyms... still... you would have thought I would be cured by now.

No such luck.

So, now I'm going to American gyms. The place I currently have a membership at is called the Kroc center. It's a mega building. Inside this modest behemoth of a shelter lies two swimming pools (a competition pool and a “fun” pool), an indoor track, a climbing wall, a weight room, an aerobic room, various fitness studios, a giant auditorium, a church and three basketball courts (I'm sure I'm missing things... oh yes there is a coffee shop too).

Currently, I would like to focus on the basketball courts. They are great. I played basketball in high school and following graduation was pretty sure I would never partake in the game again. I was tired of it. I moved on to other, better things. Like Bike Riding, swimming, needle work etc.

But, like an ill advised love affair with a rich golfer, I just couldn't give up basketball. So, after two months of longingly glancing at the Kroc's basketball courts I took the plunge. I went to shoot hoops.

It was a steep 'remembering' curve. I was rusty, but luckily it comes back pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I was never that skilled to begin with, so there just wasn't a whole lot to come back.

But I did remember how much I loved the sport. And something else changed. I wasn't competitive about it anymore. Sure, I love to win. And I work hard to beat whatever team I'm playing against. But I don't care. I don't have anything invested. My team wins... great. We lose... great.

This is new. In high school I cared. Deeply. I was intense. I was competitive. I once got in a fight during a game.

Now, when people talk shit to me I don't really care. I'll do my best, and we will see how it works out.

And there is a lot of shit talking.

In sharp contrast to my experience in the Indian gym, most men at the Kroc aren't interested in talking to you, or helping you. This doesn't mean they are unfriendly. I've met some great guys there. But something happens when us males begin lifting weights, or playing basketball. Some switch is turned. We take one step closer to being just pure animals, fighting over a slab of mammoth or something.

Of course, it's all nicely contained. It's all based around this game called “basketball”. People don't completely lose it and rip each others throats out. It's still civilized. But you can see the darker side of it. The pure aggression and ferocity.

And you know what? That is part of the reason I love going. It's a chance to just run all of that out of myself. To get all that latent aggression out in a safe, socially acceptable manner. As opposed to a dangerous, socially acceptable manner, like free climbing, or the running of the bulls.

And so far, I haven't let it get personal. I get aggressive, I dive for the ball, I push people, but it's not personal. None of it. And I don't let it effect my feelings (so far). I don't associate the intensity of the situation with a person.

So many of the men there do. It's personal to them. Either they are blaming another player or they are blaming themselves. You can see it. And it gets heated. Fights have almost started. Elbows have been thrown (it's when you hit someone with your elbow, not actually throwing elbows at each other... that would be sick).

And I guess that is all part of it. So far I haven't gotten sucked in. I don't think I will. I'm going to keep it all in it's proper perspective.

Seeing this reality in American gyms and contrasting it with Indian gyms makes me wonder what causes this huge difference. The best explanation I can come up with is that as a culture we are more aggressive and driven to succeed. So, when us American men (I'm just focusing on men, because as of yet, I haven't been cussed out by a woman) go work out, we carry over this aggressive, success driven mentality.

Meanwhile, our Indian counterparts are saving dumb white kids from falling metal bars...

Winter Day

I spent the majority of yesterday studying. I'm taking this online logic class, which is great. It allows me to work whenever I want and I don't have to go to class.

The downside, to this upside, is that generally I wait until the last minute to do everything. And I mean Everything...

So, yesterday I studied for a good six hours. I basically went over a month's worth of work in one day. Last night, at 10 pm I took the test (the deadline was midnight). It all went well, but sometimes I find myself wondering if maybe it would be better for me to plan my time better. Maybe just do a little work each week.

Personally, I think it sounds like a bad idea.

Well, that being said, I did find some time to go for a great walk. Yesterday it was cold but very sunny here.

There is this hill in Coeur d'Alene called Tubbs Hill. It's a great 1.5 mile walk. The trail is on the lake. It's incredibly beautiful, and yesterday was no exception. None of these photos are mind blowing, but I think at least they begin to convey the beauty of this area.

This is the resort side of Tubbs Hill...
...many of the rocks down by the lake are covered in ice...

... this is the backside of Tubbs.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Issue 5

Issue Five

12 page special section.