Friday, January 8, 2010

Grand Canyon

I was at the Grand Canyon recently. I'd never been there before and let me say it was spectacular. At it's deepest it's 5,000 feet deep (1524 m) and 10 miles wide (16 km). Oh my god... yeah... it's huge.

It's so big that the eye can't really take it all in. It's like you are looking at a painting or a backdrop. Not something real... but it's very real.

Anyways, here are some photos from that, it was a great trip (I went with my Dad).

It was beautiful weather, however the snow made it impossible for us to hike into the canyon as the trails were too steep and we didn't have the appropriate gear.


Surat said...
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Surat said...

Great panoramas!

Cameron said...

I really like the "Sedora Pan" picture. Either it was accidental, just the layout of the geography, or the way photoshop aligned the photos but you can actually see the curvature of the earth in it