The next one, which comes out on Oct. 26, is going to be much longer (24 pages, and possibly a tab section). So we really don't have that much turn around time. I'm excited though.
I love my job right now. It feels so good to be part of a paper. I love seeing it go from rough (or no) ideas to a reality that you can hold in your hand. Really a unique and wonderful experience.
Anyways, comments are always welcome.
Again, these are just the pages I designed.
The front page...
... just an inside opinion page, nothing special, although the art work is good...
.. again inside page...
... the volleyball page. As you can see they are currently ranked No. 1 in the nation...
... this is quite possibly my favorite page ever. It all worked out, and despite my fears it printed great.
wow.....great designs....I love the "Scrum City" page the best...have noticed you have a neat background design on at least one page of the Sentinel the last two issues. Great stuff!! I really like the quality of the rugby pics...really sharp!! Nice page!!! Keep it up Eli!!
I'll write for your paper if you design for mine. Thank you.
Such great work! I really love the design you're doing and am eager to read your editorials. Maybe you could send me the links since I can't get to the site? Anyway, really good design and I love your passion for being in the trade. Rock on.
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